Sunday, July 29, 2007

Kids reciting the Quran

Anyone who have been to the 2 holy mosque would remember seeing hundreds of kids forming a few circle around their respective Syeikh who either teaches them to read or hafaz the glorious Quran. Its a peaceful sight to witness and myself, I still felt its moving experience every time I recall the memories. I dare not take any pictures of them at the risk of offending them.

So, every time I walk pass them, I would always think of my two sons Muhammad Nuaim and Muhammad Nu'man. I would pray that god willing one day they would have the opportunity to congregate with their brothers in a similar atmosphere reciting Al Quran near the Kaabah or under the shades of the green dome. Amin.

I am proud that my son shows some interest to read the Quran. Unfortunately I am not able to witness it nor able to groom them into little Khalifahs. In fact, I do not have an excuse if I fail to develop them into little Khalifahs, since I chose to leave them behind in pursuit of extra fulus. Its easy for me to have dreams and visions of how I would like the kids to grow up, when at the same time I am not able to bear witness on the monumental task my wife is facing on brining them up by herself. I only have two words to offer her. Thanks Sayang.

Anyway, in a hope to offer some help, remotely, I have gathered a few videos from youtube, which she could show Nuaim and Nu'man. Since kids like to watch what other kids do, I sincerely hope they would follow, even if they only able to humm along or rock their small bodies to the tune.

This kid is cute. At that age, I don't recall knowing how to say Bismillah.

This kid is reciting the Surah Al-Qalam. I cant even go pass the second word by Hafaz. Interesting to note that, the Ayat 68:16 contain the word "Khurtum" for "snout". Khartoum is also the capital of Sudan which also means the same. hehe.

This boy hafaz the Yaasin and he recites beautifully. Remind me of Nuaim in his Tok Sheh gear.

A Tahfiz ceremony held in Masjid An-Nabawwi. Masha Allah. Seronoknyaaa..

I think this groups are siblings. Their parent must be so proud of them.

This boy has the same name as Nu'man.

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