Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Places I'd like to see before I die 2

Continue on my journey to the places I'd like to visit to the Middle East, Europe, Africa and finally the Pacific..

Hadaramaut, Yemen – my real dad said that his ancestors come from Hadramaut, Yemen. I wish I could find my roots someday. Nuaim and Nu’man lets look for your great great great grandfather grave..somewhere..

Cairo, Egypt – pay a visit to the pharaoh (Fir’aun) “resting” place or is it his torturous chamber. Hopefully I just see him on earth but not in the afterlife.. Na’uzubillah.

Palestine – My wish is to pray a 2 ruqaat prayer in the Aqsa mosque. Afterward, I would stones some Jews just to feel the plight & struggle of my Muslim brothers

Damascus, Syria – Nabi Muhammad probably travels here for business during his youth.. Just have to see and experience the markets in Damascus

Aleppo, Syria – flourished during the Umayyad and the Abbasid era.. Best Arabian architecture.. Probably stop at Palmyra on the way and visit the famous ruins

Rome, Italy – There is a Surah called Ar-Rum in the Quran. I believe, I have to visit this place mention in the Quran. There’s Coliseum and the villa lante garden..bringing the kids too

Prague, Czech – they say it’s the most beautiful part of Europe. I’d like to check that out. I’ve been to st Petersburg, I thought it was pretty impressive. I could be wrong

Kamchatka, Russia – Russia is considered Europe, but Kamchatka is pretty much Asia to me. It’s the isolation of the place. Far from any thing and anywhere. Its simply must go for a lil quiet time to ourselves.. Probably try dog sledding for a change

Greece – my wife did mention that this is one place she would like to visit. I am simply trying to please my own Cleopatra

Grenada, AndalucĂ­a, Spain – the Muslim history in Europe. Must visit one.. And appreciate al-Hambra palace in person. Kids coming along on history lesson

Laapland, Finland - the northernmost part of Finland..Laapland..Damn the discovery channel. I got hooked simply because of the view.. Beside..Hopefully I could catch the aurora borealis in this artic circle.. The timing should be right. The best time of the magnetic particle to put on the best display. The season should be right. And of course, I must make sure that my wife is not pregnant for at least 2 years.. The Japanese say making love under the aurora could give u twins..Hmm.. Nothing to lose to give it a try what.. Leave the kids behind on this tour..

Greenland – let’s meet the Eskimo. If u look at the pic u wouldn’t believe that Eskimos have evolved from the igloo to such a colorful flats. Haha..! I bet Kerajaan Barisan Nasional would have some fancy idea about a similar projek for the Orang Asli

Iceland – actually I'm torn between Greenland and Iceland. What I really want is to experience the hot spring in the middle of winter in cool Iceland. Wow..! It’s called the blue lagoon. Not the movie la..

Botswana – go to the national park and meet some lion and cheetah in person. err in animal.. I’d bring my kids most definitely

Ethiopia – I just want to get my hands on em fresh coffee beans and go home..im not a coffee lover. it would be probably d most expensive cuppa..but what the hell.. they say the Ethiopian ladies are beautiful. I don’t know if I can call Iman the model beautiful. but she’s quite a looky anyhow..

Pacific & Oceania
Tahiti and Bora-Bora- translucent, shimmering aqua lagoons... of sun-drenched, sandy beaches, and psychedelic coral. I think the Is and the Ts that got to me. a place must visit just me n my wife.. South Island, New Zealand – let the kids catch some kiwi, probably try to read that LOTR novel again.. get the feel.. fist fight with the Maoris, do the hongi with the local native girls..

Thats all the places I have in mind. How I wish..


Cempodot said...

Tahiti and Bora Bora... wow! Romantiknya! Here's a couple of places for you to consider adding on to that list - Pulau Mataking & Pulau Kapalai off of Semporna in our very own Sabah. The tapak sulaiman there are as big as your face! And they're everywhere you look! The green turtles too are so huge you can ride on them! Water so clear and blue (and unpolluted, thank God) you can see the bottom of the 4-m deep sea. Of course, getting there is another story - take flight to Tawau, from there, take about 2 hrs bus ride to Semporna, then take 45-min boat ride to Kapalai. But then when you get there, it's just breath-taking that you won't believe you're still in Malaysia. Go snorkelling, diving - then take the boat to Manukan Besar - when the tide is low, walk on the white stretch of sand to Manukan Kecil for a day of pampering at the spa. (Oh God! somebody needs to take me off the servicing team of the Tourism Malaysia account!!)

aripsa said...

Thanks for the suggestion. Sounds like a must go place. Maybe 2nd honeymoon.