Friday, July 27, 2007

The bounty of the Red Sea

Today the red sea reveals all its glory. The 630am morning sun was cool with very light breeze blowing in my face. The sea was dead calm and the water was so clear a sight I rarely see.
We were there early with one purpose. To catch some "pari". And it was an excellent mission, for we managed to spear 3 "pari". Two of them I caught myself. The sea was so calm and clear that we can easily spot the "pari" relaxing at their spot unsuspecting that their hunter was close by. I could easily sneak up on them and manage to get as close as 2m away before throwing the spear. It was an easy target.
While we were busy looking for the "pari" we manage to spot 2 turtles crawling on the coral at the shallow end of the water.
There were also a shoal of flying fish busy trying to out-jump each other, probably excited about the calm sea as we are. We spot a few octopus about, which leads us to more "pari" who were also interested in the mollusk.
Since I could not get some nice pictures of the coral, maybe you can follow this link to my colleague's blog Mr Max for a few picture of them.
Around the beautiful coral, there were inhabited of course by the rest of the coral fishes which some of them was as big as my tigh. I really wanted to take a dip myself, but the sea was so eariely calm, that made me lost my confidence to even float in it. Besides, I have an excuse as I did not bring my goggle.
So after spending two hours we return to our camp satisfied with our catch although we were so tired. The reward was "pari masak Asam Pedas" for lunch which was so delicious that I had to have a second round. A round of applause to our friend Cik Mad the chef all the way from Melaka, the home of masakan asam pedas.


Ghazali said...

Waahhhh ...

Ini ker yang di katakan tension bila ke Sudan nih???


I miss my Sudan year taauuu ...

All those little adventures and USD USD USD USD hahahahhahahaa

aripsa said...

Tensiooooooooonnnnnnn!!.. tu yang lepas geram kat pari tu..naya depa hahaha

Sudan ni..ramai yang miss the USD nye..but kalo dok sini..USD berkepok pon tak terubat hati yg sengsara melayan mat sentul..

geram..geram..kena tombak pari lagi ni..hehehe

thanks for dropping by..