Sunday, July 08, 2007


Some people appear bright until you hear them speak. I am sure you have heard the phrase before, and maybe u have met the kind of person in life.
Well, you can find them aplenty in the realms of youtube.
I have to give credit to those people who posted funny and sometime heart-touching video for the public to see. I am not a fan of youtube but, I could not resist to browse the site to find what it could offer.
Youtube is leading the way in the era of v-log or video blogging and I simply could not imagine the phenomenal change it would contribute to this world. Only 12 years or so ago, my first human to human interaction on the Internet was only via chat rooms on IRC, although it has not change much, the web as i remembered has not maintain a status quo but evolved into a communication medium central to the needs of people today.
On youtube you will primarily find so many self proclaim new age artistes who uses their camera and internet to assert their views upon others. Actually I am blogging today just to share with u my encounter with an atheist who poke fun at others religion and insulting their beliefs. I do not mind if one is an atheist or of other religion but if you stepped out of line and making fun of others whom you dont begin to understand, than I am irritated.
Yes I have said demeaning word at others who dont share my same belief, but not in Public. The problem with internet is, if a guy posted a blog or a video, thousands or even millions of people would joined in and it would manifest into a big circus. I dont care who became the clown, but if they are making fun of me or my belief, I get upset and would revert to keyboard bashing of annoying abuse. Normally, I do not publish them.
Yesterday was different. I posted a comment and suddenly some bloody f*^@$ng atheist started to pick a fight with me. The only frustrating thing is that, I know I am right, but I just simply dont have the knowledge to carry on replying to his undignified comments about Muslims which bothers me.
It bothers me that I do not have the capacity to argue with strangers. It bothers me that all the knowledge and faith I have about my religion is not being able to be stretch to drive home a point that I am right and will always be right about my belief.
"Demi Masa, Sesungguhnya manusia itu sentiasa dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yg beriman dan mengerjakan amal soleh, dan nasihat menasihati supaya mentaati kebenaran dan nasihat menasihati supaya bersabar"
The above Quran verse from Al-Asr, simply makes me thinks that I am indeed at lost. I think it is time that I live up to my faith and not just leave it behind as I wipe my face after the Salaam. O God, forgive me for my weakness.

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