Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ilmu Kesihatan Darjah Satu

When I was going thru my hard drive I found some scan copies of a very ancient book title: "Ilmu Kesihatan Darjah Satu" (Health for Standard 1). I probably got these pictures from emails or something.
Anyways, this text book was among the many that were issued to primary school starters like me. Many had to carry them on their small backs but for me, my dad bought me one of those briefcase that has fancy plaid design. If I remembered correctly, the briefcase only lasted till mid term when I finally got a backpack i insisted, which was considered niche trend those years.
Anyway, I'm not blogging about the bags but whats inside it, namely this text book. I only had to carry it once a week when the class is normally slotted towards the end of school day.
The teacher, would normally make us take turn to stand in front and read out each chapter. If I'm not mistaken, and I've been wrong before due to my weak memories, there was normally no homework for this class.
One of the lessons is , we were thought on how to properly take a shower. I found it quite odd that the boy depicted in this page is wearing "kain basah". Normally boys my age (that time) will just shower naked. Yeah, I still used a towel afterwards although, I sometime skipped that part especially if the weather was hot. That way i keep the moisture on my skin longer to cool it down a bit, hehehe.
Being in an all boys school, this caring act is often mistaken for sissy.
Haha. "Skema budak ni!". During my early years, if we see a teacher, we ran away as fast as we could. Even if we were not up to something and the teacher were not out to scold us or anything, its only just plain fun that way. The motto was "Stay out of trouble, stay away from teacher during recess time". Perhaps, I was very shy to talk to my teachers, thats why I peed in my pants once.
I remembered my friends and I accidentally started a big bush fire near my neighbor's house during one school holiday. It was an honest mistake, as I only tried to add fireworks to my volcano experiment, when it blew up and started a big fire.
I ran home and tried to call the fireman but I was more afraid to speak on the line for fear of being arrested by making prank calls.
Those days, my father locked the phone (those oldies with dials) to avoid the maid making long distance calls. I had to trash about to find the keys, and when I finally found it I was too nervous to speak and passed the phone to my accomplice who handed it right back to me. Anyway, when we finally made our report, the fire truck had already arrived at the scene to rescue my neighbor house from being touch by the fire.
I never knew that neighbor of mine until I met him 15 years later when he became my project manager in one of my project.
This lesson I still remember till today. If not, probably I'm dead or maimed or something.
Those days, kids were mostly shy from talking to strangers that probably made this tactics of kidnapping kids my age difficult.
Oh well, I probably could not find this books anywhere in my house now, possibly given away or burned after spring cleaning.


Ghazali said...


So siapa your neighbour tuh????

Tell me now ... and I will tell Peon immediately!!!


Dian said...

He was not just a neighbour who turned out to be his project manager - rupa-rupanya related pulak tu!

I bagi clue - the guy is very 'colourful'!

Ghazali said...

Dian ...

Of course not Ezat ler kaaannnn .... hahahahahaaa ....

(Aiiyyooo kalau Ezat gitu, bila lak ler Arip jadi orang parsi????)

Project Manager yang colourful .... mmmmmmm

Fithri ... not in a dress sense, but in a character sense ... ???

Project Manager ... colourful .... mmmmmmm

Sebab Asrul bukan PM ......
More clues please

aripsa said...

Saudara masih memiliki talian hayat. Boleh sila cuba lagi..

Dian said...

Colourful in the dress sense. Kalau perangai agak senyap dan serious jugak la.
Lagi satu clue - kaler kulit lebih kurang macam sedara sejiran dia jugak...

Selamat Berpuasa!