Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I had a painful encounter with the red sea creatures this morning at sunrise. I was stung by the jelly fish. Lucky I was not so far ashore and the water was a bit "tohor" by Mizang standard, so even though I panic I still could touch the sea bed and gasp for precious air.

This is the first sighting of them pink jellyfish close to shore and unfortunately I was in their way. I was stung twice, being the first on the neck that I panic and swam away calling for Denis the Menace who was also in the water nearby. With his jellyfish scanner goggle, he scan the water around but did not find any nearby so I grab on to him to swim back to shore, alas, again I went the wrong way and got entangled in another groupies of them jellyfish that lacerated my torso.

The first sting on the neck

The second sting all over the torso and my right arms.

When it stung first I felt very itchy and scratch them a bit that worsen the effect. After 5 minutes out of the water, the whole skin felt very hot. Many advise was given by my concern friend on how to make the pain go away including peeing on it (not an option), take pain killer or rub it with a mixture of asam keping, water and salt. Of all the advise, I heeded Ripin the sting ray slayer to rub it with asam keping and salt.

Lucky, I manage to get some asam keping from Pak Ya (god bless him for the thought of bringing some all the way from Malaysia) to mixed it with the stale salt on the dining table and rub feverishly on the affected area. After 2 hours, the pain and scar went away. Thanks to Ripin, now his title have to be change to Tok Bomoh Jawa for handing me down the old remedy that he probably inherited from many generations.

Walla..like magic. Who would have thought an ancient concoction could do such wonder..In the morning I thought that will be my last swim, but now at 4 pm, I think I probably will go back and swim some more. hahaha


Anonymous said...

Kesiannya Bapak kena jelly fish. Gambar jelly fish takde ke?

aripsa said...

nanti try tangkap tgk..jelly fih kecik jer, besaq sehamah (5 kupang) jer

Ghazali said...

Arip ....

Aiiyyoooooo .... careful careful eh ....

Don't just you jump I jump ... survey survey first ....