Thursday, October 04, 2007

Today is "Last Business Day"

I woke up with a start this morning that I bang my head against the bed frame. How? Well.. since the first week of Ramadhan, I've been sleeping on the floor so that I would wake up earlier to avoid the cosy comfort of my bed from lulling me into deeper sleep after the first 15minute alarm bell rings. Actually, the mattress isn't that comfortable anymore 'coz after 2-1/2 years of serving a couple of previous residence to the cabin, the spring simply give way. Sometime I have back ache due to the lumps and unevenness of the mattress.

I remembered I positioned myself well away from the bed, but somehow I managed to crawl under the bed after restless night thinking about my VISA.

Yes! Up to now at 11.06am, my Visa for visit extension has not been approved yet by the so many officials involve in giving away Visa. There is the Immigration Dept, the Labor Office, the Alien dept and so many other God knows "authority" that a Visa and my crispy new red passport book has to pass through during its stay in this country.

I handed my passport over to my colleagues to get the approval on the day I arrived, but after 40 days here and still no "chop", I put down my flag and raised my hand as it is beyond my control. Thus I surrender myself to God's will. By any luck or if its already been written in The Book, InsyaAllah I would be able to fly home tomorrow. Else, I have to be prepared to play the waiting game and hope that the remaining flight before Eid is not fully booked.

In this time of nail biting suspense of missing that flight home, I recalled the time I was performing my Hajj. Every time we were "tested" on the roads or getting around the mosque or during performing the rituals, I would remind myself to be patience and not lose my temper to the expense of acquiring Hajj Mabrur. Honestly, I did lost it twice, shamefully I have to admit in front of the spiritual landmark of a Muslim itself the Kaabah..

Its not easy being me. Before the hajj i.e. all my entire life I have been known to many people of being a hot headed with violent reaction (except poor wifey who never witness one of my raging bouts that duped her to marrying me..hehehe...poor soul). During the Hajj, I have trouble controlling them and did lost them as previous mention. After the Hajj, as I begin the "new phase" of my life (Yeah right, who am i kidding?) I hope my thin Patience would prevail while enduring life trials.

In this month of miracle, I pray to grant me patience and I pray for guidance and I pray that this time my Prayers will be answered. Amin..

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