Monday, October 22, 2007

Sending Off a Good Friend

Today i sent off my good friend to meet his Creator. He was Shahrol Nizam Yusoff. A father of 3 and a 1/2. A family man. A son. Many would remember him as a good friend. A sportsman. And an inspiring colleague.

He was 31. I am 32.

Death certainly dont wait for one to grow old. True is His Words.

I am short of words to scribe about my good friend. But for one good thing I would remember him is as a person who maintains Silaturrahim with others around him.

Pray that his soul would rest among the Anbiya, Syuhada and the Illiyin. Pray that god would receive his soul with Blessings and Rahmah. Pray that his orphans that he left behind would be anak-anak soleh and solehah who would continue his good deeds and pray for him. Amin.

Al-Fatihah. RIP bro..


Ghazali said...

Memang sedih ....

The whole days I feel so low and down ....

Are we ready to face our creator???

aripsa said...

I am not. But thats life. Enough is never enough.

Satu perjalanan yang pasti..Besok, siapa pulak yang hantar kita yea?