Yesterday was my birthday. A significant one for me coz i have completed my fifth rukun Islam..i.e. "memuniakan haji di Mekah"
But please dont call me hajj.. here in Sudan, the title "hajj" are reserved for old people. I dont need to be reminded that I am old. Here's some pictures of my escapades in Mekah and Madinah with my lovely wife the "hajjah"..
A few days before the Wukuf.. The cloak of Kaabah has not been change yet.. The white strip is because it was folded up outwards..
The mosque entrance as seen from my hotel door
We are here Allah! There is no god but You alone..
The Rukun Yamani.. I believe geographically this side is the qiblat for the Sudani
The Kaabah, towards the end of my stay.. pilgrims start to dwindling in numbers
Assalatu wassalam ala Rasulullah saw
"Door to heaven".. a burial pit at the Baqi'
Scene from inside the Raudhah.. the Gardens of Heaven..
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